Who We Are
The Sunset Valley Elementary PTA is a group of parents, teachers and community members committed to improving the educational experience of our students. The PTA focuses on strengthening parent involvement, supporting our teachers, and enhancing academics, including our cherished dual-language program.
To accomplish these goals, the PTA sponsors a wide range of events and programs throughout the year. This includes fundraisers, like Cheetah Fest, our annual festival. It also includes community-building events, like dances and dual-language parent potlucks. It includes academic programs, like Math Pentathlon and the Spelling Bee. And it includes help for our teachers, including a large grant to help fund technology instruction as well as a teacher grant fund.
None of it would be possible without the help of countless volunteers. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts and encourage you to get involved today.
The Sunset Valley Elementary PTA is a 503(c)(3) non-profit corporation, aligned with Texas PTA. View our approved SVE PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules by clicking the links. These documents govern how our PTA operates as a non-profit supporting our beloved Sunset Valley Elementary.
2023-24 PTA Accomplishments
Cheetah Fest raised over $25,000 for our school community (and we all had a blast)!
192 PTA members
Provided Grade Level Funding (no grade level fundraisers needed) - $750 for each grade level; $500 for the special education team, each special area, the counselor, and the library - $6,500 (actual: $6,693)
Funded teacher training allowing teachers to attend various trainings throughout the year - $278
Garden: maintained our Rain Garden, updated our entry garden space, won a Bright Green Futures Grant for our gardens ($3000)
Funded Teacher sponsorships $125 per teacher, per semester & one Annual - gave just under $3610
Successful 2nd Cheetah Night Out (CNO) raised $850, kids had a blast during their giant playdate at school while attending parents and staff had great time over at Meanwhile Brewery.
Coordinated Room Parents, purchased more graduation gowns for our 5th graders
Celebrated our teachers & staff with Back to School breakfast, lunch and a gift; December lunch; Valentine's brunch; massage chair day during Teacher Appreciation Week; gift cards given at year end Appreciation Party
Celebrated with our community during these PTA coordinated events: Second Saturday Playdates, Boo Hoo Breakfast, Family Lunch Day, Bike & Walk to School & Coffee with a Cop Day, CNO, Fiesta SV, Veterans' Day event, and our epic Cheetah Fest & End of Year Family Party
Funded Story Wranglers program for 3rd graders, Creative Action bilingual programs for 1st and 2nd graders; coordinated and ran a successful Spelling Bee
Funds for our Sensory Room designed by Mrs. Faz
Funded online resources: IXL Spanish for 3rd - 5th graders, art curriculum for Mrs. Moncus, and part of the "Leader in Me" membership fee
PTA General Meeting speakers: our AISD School Board rep Dr. David Kauffman; Texas School Board of Education Ms. Rebecca Bell-Metereau
Funded two school assemblies: the Native American Cultural Presentation in November and author Ada Ari in April
Designed our 23-24 yearbook
Coordinated office volunteers throughout the year - a huge Thank You to these dedicated volunteers who supported our office staff!
Purchased yearbooks for our free- or reduced-lunch eligible 5th graders as a graduation gift
What We Do
Below are just a few of the things we’re doing to enhance our kids’ educational experience and support our school. Click on the below infographic to learn more about the kinds of programs and initiatives we manage.
Membership FAQs
Are only SVE parents allowed to join?
No! Anyone can join the SVE PTA — parents, students, relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, community members! Adults can vote on PTA projects, and students can vote on next year's school shirt design!
Do I have to go to meetings?
No! (Although of course we hope you do attend our general meetings.)
Do I have to volunteer or spend a lot of time at the school?
No! Joining the PTA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer, we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.
Are there any other benefits to joining?
Yes! As a PTA Member you receive national and local discounts on a variety of services and products. If you qualify for free/reduced lunches, you are also eligible to apply for a scholarship to an after school enrichment program at SVE.
When I join SVE PTA, am I also joining Texas PTA and National PTA?
Yes! When you join, the $10.50 dues are split between our local campus, Texas PTA and National PTA, and you become a member of all 3 PTAs at once! Texas PTA and National PTA also advocate for all children during legislative sessions and during non-legislative years. Check out what each is supporting right now: Texas PTA Advocacy & National PTA Advocacy.
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Monday, February 24
- Thursday, February 27
- Saturday, March 1
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Texas PTA Membership Discounts
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