PTA Advocacy

PTA has a proud history of advocating for all children in Texas starting in 1909. Today, while our ways of communication have evolved and our issues are different, parents showing up where decisions are made still has an impact on our decision makers.

Austin ISD Legislative Priorities for the (2025) 89th Legislature

Texas PTA Advocacy Resources

We all have the right to communicate with our local, state & national Representatives. Click to find out Who Represents me? Here are some links for resources and quick Actions you can take today!

  • Action: Please share a 30 second testimony or story (on social media) about why you love your Texas public schools with the #TYTXPubEd hashtag and be sure to tag Texas PTA and your school district.
  • Resource: Past 88th Legislative Priorities
  • Action: Call or send a letter to your Representative telling them what you love about SVE!
  • Plan on attending TX PTA Rally Day with other SVE parents on February 24, 2025 - hear from Education Committee Representatives, meet with our local Austin Representatives, meet other passionate parents, or learn a little bit about our role as a citizen.

National PTA Advocacy Resources